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星期二, 十一月 06, 2007
European antimony market stable
A UK trader told Asian Metal that the offers from Chinese suppliers are in the range of USD5,550-5,600/t CIF Rotterdam for standard grade two antimony ingot, and USD5,650/t CIF or in warehouse Rotterdam for material with bismuth content lower than 100ppm. The source had not concluded any deal of antimony in the passed week.
A Belgium trader sold a batch of less than one container of standard grade two antimony ingot at USD5,800/t delivered to customer, and reported to Asian Metal that the deal was only deal he concluded last week.
Both sources take that antimony market is getting quiet as many consumers had secured enough material in the passed few weeks and they will not come to market before next year so demand will not pick up for the rest weeks in 2007. As for the price, there are mixed opinions in the market, for many participants believe price will remain stable as Chinese suppliers will hold the price; however, some other people think price will drop slightly due to the slow market.
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