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星期二, 二月 19, 2008

Manganese price rising further

More consumers are coming to the market with inquiries and find higher prices of manganese flake. And sources reported the price keeps increasing from RMB23,800-24,100/t (USD3,324-3,366/t) ex works at the beginning of this week to RMB24,200-24,500/t (USD3,380-3,422/t) ex works yesterday, about RMB400/t (USD56/t) higher. Supply remains tight and most suppliers claimed it impossible for the supply back to normal before the middle of March.
The source believes the insufficient supply of raw materials is another factor embarrassing the smelters. The source has its own manganese mine and thus the supply of manganese ore is not a hindrance to its production but he complained it difficult to replenish sulphate in the market and predicted its price would go up.



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