Bismuth market keeps going up as price increase neglected consumers unhappy faces USD13-14/lb to hit a new record of around, climbing above it previous record of around USD12.50-13.50/lb.
Participants believe the price may reach around USD15/lb by next week as demand is coming and suppliers were quoting at around USD13.50/lb which left sellers in Europe no choice than to increase their own price too
A U.K trader who claimed deals at around USD14/lb, 50 cent higher than her last deal nodded to the views that price is going towards a new record of around USD15-16/lb since consumers are accepting the price and the bullish market is on for a long stay
"I have not seen signs mirroring a sinking price," said the source. "Suppliers are playing their games very well, for that reason, price may likely break through USD20/lb before sliding.
And in US, sources reported offers at above USD15/lb from Chinese suppliers and they are selling at around USD14.50/lb with one of the trader sources saying that Chinese are asking high prices which will bring about the disappearance of some consumers again from the market
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