Wednesday, 14th May 2008 ~ Chris ~ Link ~ Comments (0)
Editor's note: We have received many queries from readers about how they can contribute to the earthquake relief efforts in Wenchuan and elsewhere in Sichuan, here is information on how to help, courtesy of Shanghaiist:
For those who are looking to contribute to current aid efforts underway, you can now donate money to the Red Cross Society of China which has formed a disaster relief working group to be dispatched to the earthquake-stricken Wenchuan County in Sichuan.
They have also published an emergency relief hotline, along with bank account information to receive donations to assist their cause:
Account name: Red Cross Society of China
For those who want to donate in RMB: you can send money to the RMB account at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch below:
人民币开户行: 中国工商银行 北京分行东四南支行
人民币账号: 0200001009014413252
For those who want to donate in foreign currency, you can send money to the foreign currency account at the CITIC Bank branch below:
外币账号: 7112111482600000209
Hotline: (8610) 65139999
Online donations: Red Cross Society of China website:
Click the tab for online donations
Tags: donations, earthquake, Red Cross, Shanghaiist, Sichuan, Wenchuan
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星期四, 五月 15, 2008
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