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星期五, 七月 04, 2008
The magnesium metal alloy expansion application can lower car oil to consume to exhaust with tail spirit
A magnesium metal alloy from the United States expert predicts that from now on some years, each average car in the world, the magnesium metal alloy dosage will attain 120 kilograms, this will make the car reduce heavy 500 kilogramses, lowering car oil to consume thus and consumedly with the tail spirit exhaust quantity.Currently, the global magnesium metal alloy die-castings a piece growth rates to keep in 15% levels continuously for several years in the car, is current and the new industry is a little bit bright in the future.The carriage weight lowers 10%, oil's consuming can lower 6% to 8%, the fuel efficiency can raise 5.5%, the noise can also lower 2 decibels.Therefore, the magnesium metal alloy has ability to make car reducing in weight, the extension magnesium metal alloy will become solving a petroleum resources to lack to become one of the warm important solutions with global weather tightly in the application in the pileup.The Chinese car engineering masters reputation chairman of the board a piece a cheerful industry to say, our country is enhancing transportation economy energy to reduce a row management, control high consume oil, high pollution automobile development.Car and other applications that the pileup industry should extend magnesium metal alloy this high strength light metals material to carry out economy energy to reduce a row target.This becomes Chinese magnesium industry and industrial realization independent creative important opportunity of the car motorcycle, also is a graveness challenge.
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