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星期二, 九月 23, 2008

manganese flakes price seems to be further down

There seem to be further weakening of manganese flakes price this week, but it is to early to say categorically because the week is just beginning. Though many sources still think price remains unchanged at USD3, 700/t in warehouse Rotterdam, there is a reported offer from China in the range of USD3,500-3,600/t CIF Rotterdam, and if the offer is true then the price in the warehouse Rotterdam might dip to around USD3,600/t. The picture of the market will be clearer as the week runs off; meanwhile, the market is still quiet as demand continues to decline.
A trader source informed that prices are coming down due to less demand from stainless steel industry, Chinese are offering below USD3,800/t CIF Rotterdam for shipment while in Europe price is around EURO3,700/t in warehouse Rotterdam. Some suppliers are decreasing price in line with the market situation. The source sold material last week and is yet to see any changes in the market this week.
Another trader source that shared similar view about the market of manganese flakes said the price is still USD3, 700/t in warehouse Rotterdam but cannot comment on the market now because he is quiet to receive any enquiry this week.
A third trader source also in Europe said manganese flake price is now in the range of USD3, 500-3,600/t CIF Rotterdam for prompt shipment. The source sold some undisclosed tonnage of flakes at below USD3, 900/t delivered to customer, which is around USD3, 750/t in warehouse Rotterdam. He also confirmed the market demand is weak and there is still room for further decline in the price.



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