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星期三, 十一月 05, 2008
World consumption of fire retardant and structure
Total world consumption of fire retardant has reached 1.05 million tons, the major consumer countries and regions, market allocation : Europe 33%, U.S. 30%, Asia (excluding Japan) was 19%, Japan 18%. Recent market research shows that the fire retardant market volume will increase to 969 million U.S. dollars is expected this year. with an average annual growth rate of around 5%. Japan polymer additives market in recent years generally have been declining for several years in a row, and flame retardants has increased slightly, However, the year-on-year growth rate of decline in 2001. The consumption structure of flame retardants in various regions of the world, Europe is the largest amount of inorganic flame retardants, and the United States, Japan, Asia (excluding Japan), the largest consumer for Brominated Flame Retardants. The United States and Japan accounted for 35% and 40% of total consumption, as much as 60% in Asia. And country-specific consumption structure in different parts of the world : Europe, inorganic between 33% and 28% of Brominated organic phosphorus 25% Chlorine Series 4% Other 10% United States, 35% of Brominated organic phosphorus by 26%, between 24% inorganic chlorine between 8%. Other 7% in Asia, 60% between bromine, inorganic between 25% and 8% between chlorine and organic phosphorus, 7% in Japan, 40% of bromine system. Inorganic between 30% and 20% of organic phosphorus, chlorine between 2% and 8% other.
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