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星期四, 十二月 18, 2008

Low-smoke Halogen-free Flame Retardant Master-batches

Low-smoke Halogen-free Flame Retardant Master-batches-FR-GML-1 Type, FR-GML-2 Type

Our company recently developed FR-GML Type of low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant mater-batches. It is a kind of master-batches flame retardant produced with Magnesium Hydroxide as main flame retardant compounded with high-effective flame retardant initiator and synergist. FR-GML flame retardant master-batches is quite different from the traditional one, developed on the base of environmental protection, low-smoke, innoxious magnesium hydroxide, this kind of flame retardant could fit breadth of processing temperature, which greatly strengthens its adoptability to polymer materials of high processing temperature. Meanwhile, it could strengthen the thermal stability of flame retardant polymer materials, decrease burning smoke generation and improve the performance of polymer materials like mechanical strength.

FR-GML-1 Type flame retardant master-batches is a common type and the oxygen index could reach 27%-33% with appropriate addition.

FR-GML-2 type flame retardant master-batches is a kind of high-effective flame retardant material. The oxygen index of the material could reach 35%-45% after addition of the master-batches. Customers could choose accordingly.

The flame retardant efficiency to polymer material of fill flame retardant represented by Magnesium Hydroxide and Alum Hydroxide is comparatively low, while FR-GML type flame retardant master-batches challenges the low flame retardant efficiency of the fill flame retardant and marched out an essential step to the fill flame retardant properties of low-filling and high flame retardant efficiency. FR-GML is trying to produce satisfying flame retardant effect required by polymer materials with possibly less filling quantity with polymer material performance degrades as less as possible. Meanwhile, the compatibility of FR-GML and polymer material is quite positive, which minimize the degrading of polymer material performance and therefore widen the use span of the FR-GML flame retardant master-batches.

FR-GML flame retardant master-batches has properties of wide application scope, strong adoptability and user-friendly. It owns quite good flame retardant efficiency and compatibility to PE, PP, PA and PC. Its use quantity varies from 20% to 70%. Users could choose appropriate quantity according to the polymer materials, which needs to be retarded, to reach different flame retardant level.




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