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星期六, 二月 21, 2009

Ukraine cuts ferroalloy output 79% in Jan

Ukraine reduced ferroalloy production 79% year-on-year on average in January, the Ukrainian Ferroalloy Producers' Association said Friday.

Nikopol Ferroalloy Works (NFW), the biggest of Ukraine's three ferroalloy smelters, reduced output 79.1% to 18,300 tonnes of ferroalloys. Silicon manganese production fell 69.8% to 18,100 tonnes and ferromanganese production was just 200 tonnes, compared with 27,700 tonnes in January 2007.

Zaporizhiya Ferroalloy Works (ZFW) cut production 78% to 9,300 tonnes of ferroalloys: 45%-ferrosilicon was down 51.5% to 3,200 tonnes, silicon manganese fell 89.5% to 2,600 tonnes and ferromanganese fell 73.8% to 2,700 tonnes, however manganese metal production rose 60% to 800 tonnes.

Stakhanov Ferroalloy Works (SFW) slashed output 78.9% to 4,500 tonnes of ferroalloys, including 4,500 tonnes of 45%-ferrosilicon, down 58.7% year-on-year, but no silicon manganese.

The country's two manganese concentrate producers, the Ordzhonikidze and Marhanets mining and beneficiation plants, did not produce anything in January because demand was low and they still had inventory to clear. – Interfax



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