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星期一, 一月 25, 2010

Antimony trioxide,Antimony ingot prices jumping

Along with the antimony ingot price skyrocketing, the price of antimony trioxide has jumped rapidly in recent one week. Some producers reported that they have sold small batches of antimony trioxide at around RMB40,500-41,000/t (USD5,930-6,003/t) ex works late this week. Meanwhile, the export offer for the material has increased to USD6,100/t FOB China.
A major producer from South China, whose monthly output is around 300-400t at present, confirmed that they just concluded a small deal at RMB41,500/t (USD6,076/t) delivered to Shanghai, which is RMB500-1,000/t (USD73-146/t) higher than the price early this week. "I may not accept current price this week. The price of antimony trioxide is changing every day," the source added.
The source is also fulfilling some contracts signed in December at around RMB38,000/t (USD5,564/t) ex works. "I think the price will keep rocketing in the coming days, because the supply constraints have not alleviated at all," the source said, showing his confidence in the short-term market of antimony trioxide.
A supplier based in South China, who usually exports through trading companies, claimed that they are offering at USD6,100/t FOB China, and have sold some of the material at USD6,050/t FOB China this week, which is nearly USD200/t up compared with that early this month. "The price of antimony ingot is still on the rise which increase our production cost, so we have to lift our price accordingly," the source explained.
The source complained the spot availability of antimony ingot is rather limited, and they can not purchase enough material at one time. "I think the price of antimony trioxide will go on rising in the next few days before the holiday due to current market situation," the source said.



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