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星期三, 五月 19, 2010

Antimony trioxide price overhangs

Antimony producers shared with Asian Metal that inquiries are decreasing as many downstream consumers are reluctant to buy in at present price level, and they just purchase small amount when they need.Asian Metal Copyright Now antimony ingot supply is tight, so antimony trioxide price won't decrease dramatically.Asian Metal Copyright 

A Guangxi-based producer, with a monthly output of around 1,000t of antimony trioxide, sold 15t of the material at RMB57,000-58,000/t (USD8,346-8,492/t) ex works at the end of April.Asian Metal Copyright However, antimony ingot diminished quickly after smelters stopped production in Lengshuijiang area.Asian Metal Copyright However, after the May Day, he received few inquiries.Asian Metal Copyright However, after the May Day, he received few inquiries.Asian Metal Copyright Currently he offered RMB58,000/t (USD8,492/t) ex works for antimony trioxide, but no deal is concluded at this rate.Asian Metal CopyrightBEIJING(Asian Metal)12 May 10 – Antimony producers shared with Asian Metal that inquiries are decreasing as many downstream consumers are reluctant to buy in at present price level, and they just purchase small amount when they need.Asian Metal Copyright 

The source predicts that the price will decrease slightly in the short term in May as few deals can be concluded at current price level.Asian Metal Copyright Now antimony ingot supply is tight, so antimony trioxide price won't decrease dramatically.Asian Metal Copyright Additionally, the flood season is coming in Guangxi and Hunan Provinces, and then it will be hard to deliver goods.Asian Metal Copyright Now antimony ingot supply is tight, so antimony trioxide price won't decrease dramatically.Asian Metal Copyright However, antimony ingot diminished quickly after smelters stopped production in Lengshuijiang area.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright Now antimony ingot supply is tight, so antimony trioxide price won't decrease dramatically.Asian Metal Copyright Now he offered RMB61,000-62,000t USD8,931-9,078t ex works, but no deal is conclude at this price.Asian Metal Copyright

Another Guangxi-based producer sold a total of around 100t of antimony trioxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright A Guangxi-based producer, with a monthly output of around 1,000t of antimony trioxide, sold 15t of the material at RMB57,000-58,000t USD8,346-8,492t ex works at the end of April.Asian Metal Copyright95%min at RMB60,000/t (USD8,785/t) ex works respectively last Wednesday and on Monday.Asian Metal Copyright Another Guangxi-based producer sold a total of around 100t of antimony trioxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright Now he offered RMB61,000-62,000/t (USD8,931-9,078/t) ex works, but no deal is conclude at this price.Asian Metal Copyright Another Guangxi-based producer sold a total of around 100t of antimony trioxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright

The source also predicts that antimony trioxide price will decrease slightly in the short term as many downstream consumers are reluctant to purchase at present price level.Asian Metal Copyright95%min at RMB60,000t USD8,785t ex works respectively last Wednesday and on Monday.



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