8 Jul 10 – Antimony ingot producers reported that they are eager to buy in antimony concentrate as they received many orders, but do not have antimony concentrate in stock
A Yunnan-based antimony ingot producer told Asian Metal that they sold around 220t of antimony ingot 99 . 85%min at RMB56,000-58,000/t ex works early this week, and have around 200t of the material at hand at present . "We receive many orders this week, but do not have much of antimony concentrate to produce more antimony ingot, so we are eager to purchase antimony concentrate," said the source .
According to the source, they mainly purchase antimony concentrate with more than 30%min antimony, and accept cash payment if only the supplier supplies spot goods with good quality and large quantity .
An antimony ingot producer based in Guangxi revealed that they offer RMB56,000-57,000/t ex works for antimony ingot 99 . 65%min at present, and sold around 200t of the material at RMB55,000/t ex works early this week . Now the source holds around 2,000t of the material at hand . "We sell around 100t or 200t of antimony ingot at a time," said the source, they seldom accept small orders .
The source thinks antimony ingot price will increase in the near future, and they hold not much of antimony concentrate, so they are eager to purchase antimony concentrate and accept RMB300-310/mtu for antimony concentrate with 30%min antimony .
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星期五, 七月 09, 2010
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