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星期二, 八月 03, 2010

antimony trioxide market inactive

BEIJING (Asian Metal) 4 Aug 10 –According to participants in Japan, low trading activity in antimony trioxide market is essentially caused by resistance to high price and low demand, with the offer in the range of USD8,500/t CIF Japanese main ports.Asian Metal Copyright The source thinks that antimony trioxide price dips as demand is weak in summer season and customers can not accept the price.Asian Metal Copyright

A Japanese trader, who operates around 40tpm of antimony trioxide every month, claimed that demand is weak in Japan.Asian Metal CopyrightBEIJING Asian Metal 4 Aug 10 –According to participants in Japan, low trading activity in antimony trioxide market is essentially caused by resistance to high price and low demand, with the offer in the range of USD8,500t CIF Japanese main ports.Asian Metal Copyright The source reported that some Japanese end users reduce their usage at present market situation.Asian Metal Copyright The source thinks that antimony trioxide price dips as demand is weak in summer season and customers can not accept the price.Asian Metal Copyright "Some companies are researching substitutes of antimony trioxide in order to decrease cost," stated the source, adding that the price of antimony trioxide reached historic high record in previous days in Japan.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright

The source thinks that antimony trioxide price dips as demand is weak in summer season and customers can not accept the price.Asian Metal Copyright "Some companies are researching substitutes of antimony trioxide in order to decrease cost," stated the source, adding that the price of antimony trioxide reached historic high record in previous days in Japan.Asian Metal Copyright

A dealer, who deals around 60t of antimony trioxide every year, claimed that antimony trioxide price has declined by around USD100-200/t in Japan market.Asian Metal Copyright "Some companies are researching substitutes of antimony trioxide in order to decrease cost," stated the source, adding that the price of antimony trioxide reached historic high record in previous days in Japan.Asian Metal Copyright "Current price is around USD8,500-8,600/t," said the source.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright "Although antimony ingot price remains high, the price of flame retardant grade antimony trioxide has been USD100-200/t lower.Asian Metal Copyright" According to the source, consumers in Japan will leave for one to two weeks for summer holiday, and part of the customers decide not to replenish stocks before the holiday as the price is dipping in spot market, so the market is inactive in Japan at the moment.Asian Metal Copyright"

According to the source, consumers in Japan will leave for one to two weeks for summer holiday, and part of the customers decide not to replenish stocks before the holiday as the price is dipping in spot market, so the market is inactive in Japan at the moment.Asian Metal Copyright "Some companies are researching substitutes of antimony trioxide in order to decrease cost," stated the source, adding that the price of antimony trioxide reached historic high record in previous days in Japan.



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