Antimony ingot market keeps stable with the prevailing price of RMB40,000-40,300/t ex works. Although not many transactions are concluded, the price does not change much.
A consumer from Guangdong told Asian Metal that they just purchased 120t of antimony ingot at RMB39,800/t (USD5,300/t) ex works from a long-term supplier in Hunan, but acknowledged the prevealing price is around RMB40,000-40,200/t (USD5,326-5,353/t) ex works. The source revealed that the offer for grade one antimony ingot is around RMB40,500/t (USD5,393) ex works, but most deals were closed at RMB40,200-40,300/t (USD5,353-5,366/t) ex works. "The market keeps comparatively stable, though transactions are not many," said the source.
Referring to the international market, the source forecasted that the export market might move up slightly in the near term with the coming of Christmas Day, thinking the consumers may purchase some materials for stock. However, it still needs time to see the market direction.
Zhazixi Antimony Mine of Hunan Anhua concluded a deal of 20t at RMB40,300/t ex works. According to the source, if the quantity reaches 60t, the concluded price will be 40,300/t (USD5,366/t) delivered to Guangdong. The source revealed that the mainstream price is ranging RMB40,000-40,200/t (USD5,326-5,353/t) ex works.
65 attendees present at a meeting yesterday, resolved that Metallurgical Construction Corporation (MCC) would take over the smelter, which will be submitted to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for approval. The smelter will expand its capacity if the above resolution is approved.
Participants think the antimony ingot market will keep stable, and if transactions increase, the price may go up slightly in the future.
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星期四, 十月 25, 2007
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