8 Oct 09 – Twenty-six miners were confirmed dead as two lifters in a mine in central China's Hunan Province lost control, according to rescuers on Thursday.
Rescuers said that 19 miners were killed on the spot, and seven others failed emergency treatment.
There were 31 miners in the two lifters, which plunged because of brake failure at about 9:15 a.m.. Five workers were injured in the accident, said the rescuers.
The antimony mine in Lengshuijiang City is operated by Hsikwangshan Twinkling Star,the world largest antimony producer and the largest exporter of antimony products in China.
Chen Zhaoxiong, vice governor of the province, is at the scene overseeing the effort to deal with the aftermath of the accident.
Investigation into the cause of the accident is underway.
The provincial government has ordered an immediate check of workplace safety throughout the province.
In 2008, Hsikuangshan Twinkling Star produced 21,222t antimony trioxide, of which 13,669t was exported.
Hsikwaangshan Twinkling Star's production might be shut down for weeks for safety check. Local other antimony mines and smetlers will also follow such a checking procedure for two or three weeks.
Antimony market will see an obvious shortage in the following months.
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星期日, 十月 11, 2009
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