8 Oct 09 – On Thursday, a serious accident happened in a mine belong to Hsikuangshan Twinkling Star Co., the world largest antimony producer, with 26 miners confirmed dead. Market participants believe this accident would result in a great shortage in antimony supply and hence drive the antimony market price up in the remaing months of 2009.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com 8QE0
On a basis of 26,000tpy capacity, in 2008, Hsikuangshan Twinkling Star produced 21,222t antimony trioxide, of which 13,669t was exported, with the rest of 29,971t sold domestically.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com 2335
Hsikuangshan Twinkling Star also produces zinc and indium.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com C7S4
Hunan is currently the largest antimony production province in China. In 2008, it got output of around 125,000t refined antimony, accounting for 70% of Chinese total of 177,000t.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com 0DC2
Hunan provincial government has required local all antimony miners and smelters to shut down for safety checking.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com Y550
According to Chinese practices, all local animony miners and smelters, possibly with other metals producers will stop for weeks to get through the safety checking period.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com G2Q6
As a result, the market might see great shortage for antimony supply in the folllowing months, which will definitely push the antimony price up.
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星期日, 十月 11, 2009
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