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星期一, 三月 01, 2010

Ferromolybdenum traders waiting for price up

Russian ferromolybdenum market is stable, and some traders with stocks in hand waiting for the price rising further.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com WL70
A trader in Russia who has 20t of ferromolybdenum 60% in hand, reported to Asian Metal that supported by the rising price in Europea, some suppliers increase offers, and now the price of ferromolybdenum 60% has risen to around USD38/kg in the spot market.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com 118P
The source does not offer, nor does he sells. "I heard that there are some deals of ferromolybdenum 60% concluded at more than USD40/kg in European market, and Russian market is usually slower than European market, so we think that the price of ferromolybdenum 60% may rise in the near future. Therefore, we are not eager to sell," said the source.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com 052L
The source believes supported by rising price in Europe, some local consumers may enter the market to replenish stocks actively, and suppliers who do not have many stocks raise offers, so the price is rising. "I think the price may rise to USD40-42/kg ," said the source.
Asianmetal(English) http://www.asianmetal.com ZYR2
Another trader in Russia also revealed that the price may increase. "I heard that most deals of ferromolybdenum 60% concluded at around USD35/kg two weeks ago, but it has risen to USD37-38/kg recently," said the source, who believes that the future market is promising, and the price may keep rising.



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