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星期一, 三月 01, 2010

Manganese flake price continues to rise

Participants disclosed to Asian Metal that manganese flake price continues to rise a bit to about RMB14,900-15,000/t (USD2,182-2,196/t) ex works in domestic market, after the price went up a bit late last week. There are no export deals of manganese flake after the holiday, though inquiries from overseas market increased a bit.


A manganese flake smelter in Hubei, with an output of about 4,800tpm, confirmed to Asian Metal that domestic manganese flake price continues to rise a bit to about RMB14,900-15,000/t (USD2,167-2,182/t) ex works, from RMB14,800-14,900/t (USD2,167-2,182/t) ex works late last week. "I don't sell at below RMB14,900/t (USD2,182/t) ex works, and big sized steel mills will start the tenders early this month," said the source.


With the world economy improving, inquiries for manganese flake from overseas market increases a bit, reported the source, putting the export offer at about USD2,820/t FOB. However, foreign customers are still hesitant to buy for now, and no new export deals are concluded after the holiday.


Another manganese flake smelter in Guizhou province, with an output of 2,000tpm, told Asian Metal that mainstream manganese flake price increased to RMB14,900-15,000/t (USD2,167-2,182/t) ex works, from RMB14,800-14,900/t (USD2,167-2,182/t) ex works late last week, but he managed to make a deal of 100t at RMB15,100/t (USD2,211/t) ex works last Friday, although the domestic market has not been active yet.


According to the source, no export deals are concluded, with the export offer of about USD2,835/t FOB for manganese flake. For the moment, the demand from overseas market has not recovered yet, and it is impossible to concluded a deal at USD2,850/t FOB.



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